Sunday, 27 March 2011

Pssstttt: Heres the plan.

So this is in a very abbreviated form my planed itinerary.

Fly from London to Rio, Brazil. - spend a few days chilling, acclimatising and sight seeing.  Beaches, Bars and attractions.
Onto Campo Grande (in-between stop on the way to Bolivia) explore etc.
Santa Cruz, Bolivia. - Visit parks and museums.
Death train to La Paz.
La paz - the salt lakes, national parks, hiking.
Arequipa, Peru. - Meet up with john. GVI (Building water cisterns in small mountain village) and hiking.
Cuzco - Visit ruins.
Inca trail.
Manchu Pichu.
Cuzco. Festival of the sun god.
Manus to Belem 4 day boat ride through the Amazon.
Belem, Brazil. - Sight see ports and museums. As well as the nightlife.
Fly to Rio. - Nature trails, visit markets and any missed sights.
Fly Home.

That’s the plan, 4 months, 10th of April to 20th of august.  =D wish me luck.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Getting Close

So the day is 23rd of March, the flight is on the 10th. Actually cannot wait.

Nothing major to report on since my last post, I’ve been moving out my stuff.
Going to be strange moving out of this place, I’ve lived here for over a year and got so comfortable here. The really strange bit was the other day when I removed all of my posters of the wall and took all unnecessary cloths to my parent’s house.

Everything is done, I have a whole 2 draws dedicated to all of my trip stuff. Insurance bought, flight bought, Volunteering paid for. Just been keeping up to date with my friends expeditions in SA at the moment. Sounds like he’s having fun.

Flying into Rio should be great, Copacabana beach here I come! On a cheeky note, in an attempt to look less like a "fresh off the plane gringo" I have decided to tan up, out of a bottle. Decent results so far, standing on stern heterosexual ground here.

Right, that me done for now.

I'll be back.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Yellow fever

Had my yellow fever jab as mentioned. still alive by day 3, got 5 more days till I'm fully free of any complications.

so works been alright, pretty average really, been getting quite bored with this mid season lack of customers....doesn’t help when you work in a toy shop after dark. Managed to get all of my holiday prescriptions today, dam that’s allot of pills, 7 pills a day for 130 days. You do the math loll. Sore my GP today after waiting a mount for them to sign my medical forms. good news.....he’s going to sign them. bad news......I have to wait another 2 days before I can get them to send off.

Funny incident today. whilst at work I was singing along to the radio.....turn around only to discover a customer. staring at me strangely. question is, how long were they standing there? I pray not long.